

Three mobile devices showing Henri's custom whitelabel branding feature



Partnered with Prime Integrations

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Custom Integrations & Branding - Done Right

Henri ensures seamless ledger synchronization and effortless batching, guaranteeing straightforward reconciliation. Furthermore, all the tools you need are consolidated in one user-friendly platform.

Branded Portal

Your tech should reflect your brand. With Henri, our Partner Support team will transform your web and mobile app experiences to match your company’s image, creating a cohesive and branded digital environment that resonates with your audience.

Mobile devices showing Henri's custom branded portal feature

Customizable Settings You Deserve

We give our users the power to customize their mobile dashboard to meet their needs through movable and custom tiles to light and dark mode. This level of personalization ensures that every user's experience is tailored to their preferences for ultimate convenience and usability.

Tablet and mobile devices showing Henri's customizable settings feature

Seamless Integrations

Integrate with your current tech stack, or replace it - either way, your dedicated Partner Support agent will get you up and running in no time. We're here to streamline the process, ensuring a seamless transition to our platform that suits your unique needs and preferences.

Laptop with integrations graphic

Client Support Unlike Anything You've Experienced

Tech stacks can be complicated and cumbersome but with Henri you will find a straightforward, easy to use platform that fills all of your needs. Need extra support? No problem! Our team is here to assist whenever you need a helping hand.

Property & Portfolio Onboarding

Getting your communities up and running on a new software should be easy and seamless - That’s the experience you’ll receive with Henri Partner Support. We're dedicated to making your transition to our platform as smooth as possible, so you can start reaping the benefits from day one.

Graphic showing people talking on phones intimating Henri's partner support
Training & Materials

Learning new software can be a chore, but we check that task off your list with our easy-to-use interface, resources, and personalized, hands-on training. Our goal is to make your onboarding experience smooth and efficient, so you can quickly master our platform and start benefiting from its features.

Bullseye graphic with zoom call showing Henri's training support
24/7 Emergency Support

Dealing with rent payments and technical issues can cause frustration - we are here, always monitoring cases and our product so you don't have to. With Henri, you can trust that we've got your back, allowing you to focus on what matters most while we handle the rest.

Graphic showing Henri's emergency support
Constant Improvement

Henri’s dedicated Product and Development teams are always improving your experience by squashing bugs quickly and enhancing our product based on user feedback. We take your input seriously, ensuring that our platform evolves in alignment with your needs and expectations.

Images showing Henri's product and development
Ongoing Client Relationship

With Henri, all of our team members will help you, even if it's not their department because we believe in our partnership and want to create genuine relationships to last a lifetime. Our commitment to your success goes beyond just providing a service; it's about building lasting connections and mutual trust.

Images of four people indicating Henri's ongoing partner relationships

Top-Rated Partner Support That is Knowledgeable & Quick to Respond

At Henri, we prioritize swift and efficient support services. Our call answer rate exceeds 85%, and our email response time is less than one business hour. We recognize the urgency property managers encounter in serving their clients, and we are committed to ensuring our clients receive the same level of attention. In addition to addressing emergency payment concerns, we maintain ongoing relationship management well beyond the onboarding phase. We proactively connect with our clients to ensure they are fully aware of and utilizing all features to maximize the benefits of our services.